How many different ways can a bunny be made using a keyboard?


New member
(=' :' )
how many different ways can a bunny be made using a keyboard i know this one way because i stole it from somone else on here i don't remember who or i'd give them credit for it. so whoever designed this did a good job so anyways how many different ways can you come up with
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Hey! I stole that bunny off another forum! j/k, someone made it for me as a B-day present. Yeah I know, pretty lame B-day present, but it's the thought that counts. And Tootsila, you've become a member of The Bunny Extreme Team because you have my bunny in your sig :p
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Does a guiter count?

I got it from someone...


But it doesn't look as good on this site...
here is another pic
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_____"8, __"8, _"8mm""""""8m.__________
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______, mmeem.m""i, _I8""__, mmeem, '._
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You all have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands...WAY TOO MUCH! waaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time. Like (=':')<---that-does-not-look-like-a-bunny-in-any-way-shape-or-form too much time on your hands!:eek: