Star Trek: Voyager

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ooc: your sisters woah :confused:

occ: Phantom its a long story Cho harry and i role played together as sisters earlier she also looks at me as a big sister so that explained that

Harry: Captain i am picking up another ship they are hailing us.

Let us see it mr kim

Harry" It appers to be a passenger ship small crew only 3 people well armed and i sense something odd about it and there is something familer about it.

Open a channel Ensign and what do you mean you feel and sense somthing odd about it ensign do you need to report to sickbay? Why is it familer to you?

Harry I don't know No Captain i am fine Just something out of dream recently. Channel open"

Alien Vessel this is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the federation starship voyager state your business here and what are you doing in federation space you ship is not registered and we have no record of your ship class please respond.

Kara: I am Commander Kara Skylar of the Jedi Shadow We are on a exploratory mission we saw your shipped fired upon and we decided to help you. We do not register on your sensors cause we are cloaked by The Force and we are not from around here.
occ: here is a character i am adding

Kara Skylar
Rank Commander of Jedi shadow
Ship Jedi shadow will Join Voyager eventually
Weapons: Force Lighsaber silver green blaster
Husband yet to come Harry Kim
Has two kids twins Zoe and Zek( will come in later)
Age 25
Eyes Blue Green
Hair: Strawberry Blond

Ic" Janeway Thank you Mrs Kenobi then we shall trust her re open channel to the Shadow.

Harry: channel open
As the viewscreen came up meeting Harry's eyes was the most beautiful women he had ever seen The women he has seen in his dreams trying to communicate with him long reddish blond hair tied in a braid over her shoulder down to her chest. and the most lovely eyes he had ever seen. Kara he whispered Harry blinked in surprise Janeawy registered his face

Friend of Yours Ensign?

" She just reminds me of someone i once knew." Only in my dreams literally Harry muttered

Janeway: Commander Skyla we welcome your help your are welcome to come aboard and meet us after all this is over.

The ship shuddred before Harry could know it he felt the ship shake and then on the viewscreed Kara;s ship shook he felt a stab of ache and concern for this girl he just met.

KarA: I am taking Fire Voyager from the array or the other ship i am not sure which let me see if i can localize it.. THat blast came from the station i am registiering a nomly or a wormhole on the otehr side of it the gravity pulse of ths station is pullng all of our ships in Captain towards it.

Kathryn: I know Commander Kara maybe if we do a anti proton pulse it will disrupt the field that is pulling us in.

Chakotay; Kathryn we have Tuvok on the transporter pad ready for your ship is taking heavy fire from the array. Your shields are weaking and so our ours.
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Kara was working the controls Furiously She sensed someone somewhat familer on Voyager she knew her Master's Aunt and Uncle were on a ship but on Voyager she dismissed it. and who was this man with the Dark eyes and Dark hair she knows him from his dreams.

Janeway: Commander Kara ready to fire the pulse is going to come from on deflector i advise you to do the same and you to Chakotay. Do it

The deflector fired. from all ships

Harry shook himself out of his reverie When he sensed the girl again thinking of him. and The Captain's short tone of Voice

Mr kim any affect?

We have broke free Captain

She contactd her sister on teh comm link in the ship Kirna get up here i need your help.
Kara set down and took the ship out of warp at a dead stop. She contacted Petra in the Force

Petra I hear you when did you get on Voyager I am going to work with Janeway she seems reasonable
What do you get from the other ship that they are after. something about him i don't like

Chakotay: our ship has been damaged and its not Voyager its the array. blanna see what you can do.
Petra: it's a long story. I'm an Ensign; a bridge officer at that. I don't know what to think; I think that the Maquis are just running from Starfleet and they don't trust us.

B'Elanna: are you sure?
Chaktoay: Blanna don't question my orders that blast was to powerful to come from Voyager and Janeway would not fire when she knows we have Tuvok her security and tactical officer

Kara: Thanks But my ship is heavily damaged see if you can get Janeway to bring me in i have one blast left but i don't want to fire on the array i sense lifeforms on there young ones at that they live there.

Report what is the array firing at it cannot be us or any of the ships. The ship shook violently Janeway was thrown to the deck and injured on her arm falling against the railing and the chair. She also hit her head aginst the railng

Harry: That blast is firing at us Captain are you okay Harry leaped over the railing to try to save her. He slapped his badge Kim to sickbay anyone there.

Kathryn: Harry we were suppose to pick up the doctor and my first officer after we were done this mission the only thing that is there is the emh.
B'Elanna: yes sir

*Petra rushed to Harry's side and ran her hand over her arm.*

Petra: the only thing the doctor has to do now is bring out a dermal regenerator. computer, activate the Emergency Medical Holographic program.
Janeway looked up at Harry weakly you give the bridge to Petra and get me to sickbay the dr has to be activated from inside

Harry: Captain i will not leave you you only hurt your arm your concussion is not that bad.
Petra: Harry, never underestimate any injury. Get her to sickbay and activate the EMH. As acting captain, that's an order, Ensign.
Harry helped Janeway up and draped her over his shoulder


The turbolift door closed as harry exited out and Janeway and Harry walked into sickbay

Harry: Computer activate Emh

Kara: JEdi shadow to Voyager Captain Janeway respond Petra is everyone alright Voyager got hit with the brunt of that blast.
My shields are down to 20 percent my engines are gone i have one laser bank left If i can get over there i could heal the Captain Voyager went out on a deep space assignment without a Medical officer just the emh

Harry: helped the Captain up on biobed Your arm is fine Petra healed it as far as your internal bleeding and concussion we would need a Doctor for that.Computer is the emh online.

yes it is but he is damaged.
Petra: MR. Paris, can we beam their ship to docking bay 1?

Paris: I think so.

Petra: do it. Kara, we're beaming your ship to our docking bay 1. Stand by for transport.
Kara: I am standing by Petra

Harry: blast it someone needs to be here Kim to bridge the emh is not working and i am not a doctor. Harry picked up a tricorder and used it to scan the Captain. and sensed someone familar Kara it cannot be.
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