I saw Ben Barnes!


New member
Not really but..
My paper boy looks just like him! I was getting the my car, and I saw him deliver a paper across the street and I was like, "Oh my god, it's Prince Caspain!!!!" lol. Seriously, it's him but with shorter hair. It was crazyyyyyy!
Not really but..
My paper boy looks just like him! I was getting the my car, and I saw him deliver a paper across the street and I was like, "Oh my god, it's Prince Caspain!!!!" lol. Seriously, it's him but with shorter hair. It was crazyyyyyy!

Ok, I need you to do this for me and all the gals on the forum. Take out your cell phone camera, pretend you're texting by holding up the cell up in the air, and snap a pic as he passes by. I need to see what you're talking about!
I was going to send them a notice.

Lol, good idea :p

Ok, I need you to do this for me and all the gals on the forum. Take out your cell phone camera, pretend you're texting by holding up the cell up in the air, and snap a pic as he passes by. I need to see what you're talking about!

Yes, yes, fabulous suggestion!! Do it do it do it!! :D
Ok, I need you to do this for me and all the gals on the forum. Take out your cell phone camera, pretend you're texting by holding up the cell up in the air, and snap a pic as he passes by. I need to see what you're talking about!

Omg! That would be hilarious! XD

Yeah, you should so do that!

Ben, is that.. jealousy? :p
*sigh* and so began the long, sad story of the paperboynites...


no, sometimes i also see celeb-look-alikes. in sweden, i was firmly convinced that dom monaghan had walked past our car, until i realized that we were in sweden and there was a slight possibility that it was in fact not him...:rolleyes: