1967 ABC (UK) Version of LWW


Mage Scribe
Staff member
Knight of the Noble Order
Royal Guard
It is my understanding that of the ten part series, only two still exist. Thus far I have not found them. The studio that made them is defunct. ABC Studios (not related to the US "ABC") was the original producer of such shows as "The Avenger". I am going to try and contact the surviving cast members and producers to see if anyone has images. Thus far I have turned up two genuine artifacts:

This is Jack Woolgar in his role as Professor Kirke:


As you see, he's checking his watch. Most likely he's making the statement that if Lucy were lying, she would have waited a certain time before reappearing...so she is most likely telling the truth.

This is Edward McMurray as Edmund facing Elizabeth Waller as the White Witch. She demands to know why he came without his brother and sisters. George Claydon is The Dwarf.


More to come. And if you see it first, please tip me off.
Thanks so much for posting that! It's cool to see those! I hope that the cast and crew of it will respond and be able to send you more!
It was the very first one. Though, to be honest, I'd love to do a version of The Magician's Nephew that looked like the film was shot during the time it was supposed to happen. Black and white, silent film, over the top acting, title cards with such amazingly exciteful expressions as, "Zounds, it's a lion!" And of course appropriate period music from an upright piano. It would be so funny to see the melodramatically evil Uncle Andrew rubbing his hands in glee at his plans. Oh, I want to make this film so badly! And if I had the money, I WOULD make it so badly! :p
I saw one episode (eighth) and it's beautiful. Looks a bit like BBC. Professor tells the story and we see what happens. I wish that was whole. I'm curious how the battle looked there if it was!