The Prince Caspians of Narnia


New member
In keeping with my theme from a few years ago, I thought I'd post a couple pictures of the BBC Caspian in comparison to our wonderful Walden Ben Barnes version.

Younger (Jean-Marc Perrett):

Older (Samuel West):

Ben Barnes as Prince Caspian:


Check out an older Jean-Marc:


Do you think he looks similiar to Ben Barnes in some ways? And do you think Samuel was a good projection of what Jean-Marc Caspian would have looked like as an adult?

I always thought it was rather amusing that suddenly Caspian turned blonde. In the books he WAS blonde, but usually blondes fade into ruddy browns and not vice versa.

Samuel West also played Edmund in the theatrical production of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe in 2002. Can you see him as an Ed?
I actually liked Jean-Marc to Ben due to the fact he was much closer in age to the book Caspian. For some reason, I didn't care for his curly hair, but hey, nobodys perfect.

As for the older BBC Casian, yes, I thought Sam was a good fit.

It's good the BBC one was closer to the actual age. As a youngster he doesn't seem too much like the way the book illustrates him. Ben Barnes looks more like those illustrations (plus they made his hair look darker in the illustrations than blond so that makes him fit better too). But as playing the character quite a bit older than he's supposed to... he loses some points there. :p

I need to watch the BBC adaptation again because I can't remember how well the Caspian's played their role. Samuel West doesn't look too bad looking there. The curly hair kind of works!
Uh... Geoffrey Russel FTW!
Seriously, though, I find those Samuel/Jean-Marc results impressive, to say the least. That transition is the sort of thing that I really didn't notice much when I was originally watching them, but it's cool to see that they did such a good job.
Definitely a good projection of Jean aging, only I always found it to appear more like 6 years of aging, not 3 (the actual amount of time between PC and VDT). Anyway, Jean is more how I pictured the character of PC. Ben Barnes is an interesting actor. I would have preferred someone a bit younger in the new versions of Narnia, but he's OK. I don't think he's a horrible actor. There appears, however, to be room for improvement.
the younger prince caspian in the bbc version was alright he i throught was about the age that caspian should be as described in the book, Ben Barnes is a good caspian as well but he was a bit older then i think caspian was ment to be.
Oh, I'd forgotten about the old Prince Caspian! Thanks Steve for posting that :)

I always liked the younger Jean as Caspian as well, though in Prince Caspian I always felt as though he was slightly too young. When he shows up again in Silver Chair as Caspian after the old King Caspian has died, I always thought he looked a bit more age-appropriate as he was a little older by that point.

Having a younger Caspian in the Walden PC would have changed a lot of story arch in the movie - for example one couldn't have the friction between Caspian and Peter in the same way as they interpreted it in the movie.
I really like Ben Barnes, he is a good actor, but I think he was a horrible misfit for Prince Caspian, at least in OC (he was good in VDT), that plus the horrible script. Jean-Marc and Samuel are both fantastic.
Barnes was indeed excellent as the _adult_ Caspian; he was also excellent as American patriot Samuel Adams in a cable-TV miniseries about the Revolutionary War. His acting is not to be faulted; Andrew A-dumb-son is to be faulted, for _intentionally_ ruining Lewis' story of "Prince Caspian."
If Ben Barnes had never done anything Narnian, but if "The Last Battle" were to be filmed right now, he would be excellent as Tirian.
i think Ben Barnes did a great acting job portraying caspian :)

i think Ben Barnes did a wonderful acting job portraying Caspian :) i also saw him as Samual Adams in the T.V. miniseries because i recorded it on DVR :) i would like to see Ben come back as Caspian for the last half of the The Silver Chair maybe in a CGI format :) i didn't know who the other actor was in the BBC versions of The Chroncles Of Narnia i guess i will probably have to check them out at the libiary again at some point :)
I recently watched the BBC version of PC. Yes, nothing in this version wasn't in the books, but so much was cut out, that you could in no way follow the story. In the 2008 movie version at least you knew that it was in important to revive the trees, while in the BBC version nothing about the trees is bought up. So you really don't see how the Old Narnians won the battle. And nothing is said about what Susan and Lucy were doing during the battle. And so many favorite characters were missing form the BBC version, like the Bulgy Bears and Pattertwig. Trumpkin was played well but I don't remember him being referred to as the D.L.F. And you don't get the special line about Aslan being bigger to Lucy. Sorry, but I still liked the 2008 movie version better than the BBC version. Of course the book is better than the 2008 movie.
Ben Barnes did do a wonderful job of playing the character that was assigned to him. This character, however, did not have the slightest resemblance or connection to Prince Caspian. For me, the two most important things in the book "Prince Caspian" are (1) the mentoring of Caspian by a Peter who is _worthy_ to be a mentor, and (2) the exposing and correcting (in the "romp") of what Telmarine society had become. _Neither_ movie version contained the second, but at least the B.B.C. preserved the first.