Show us your DVD! Discussion Thread


Meeting the World
Staff member
Knight of the Noble Order
Royal Guard
With the DVD Release on April 4th, a lot of you are going to be getting the DVD of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We'd like to see your copy of the film. Come up with creative ways to show us your copy. On your shelf... in your hands...etc.

Here's what you do:

When you get your copy, take a picture of it, and post it to photobucket or tinypic or some other online picture site, and then link to it here in this thread.

Please be family friendly with the pictures. :)

You may post pictures here or in the pictures only thread found here. They will be copied there, from here anyway, so if you'd like to discuss it, post it here. This way it's easier to find the pictures, without wading through the posts.
Well, you can take the picture (in a disposable camera) get the picture(s) developed, then scan the image on your computer to where you can link to this thread. If you have a digital camera, you take the picture, then you take the camera card out, place it in your computer (if available) then choose the picture you want to save, then link it to this thread. Hope that was simple enough.
It's for the fun of it! :) I think I'm going to put them in the fan section on the main site. :)
Awww!!! this is well annoying. I have my copy, but I dont have a digital camera, or a scanner. I want people to see it!!!!!!! :(
OK, my picture's going to be so epic and amazing that everybody who looks at it will explode. So I'll tone it down just a tad and post the edited picture here.
hey gang, how about we all wait to comment until some pics get posted? Just an idea since we now have 2 pages of comments and no pics. (and yes, i know the big bad mod is spoiling the fun.)
When the 13th comes (that is the German release day) then I will take a picture and post it. Sorry I can't any sooner, that's just the way the cookie crumbles. I have all the electronic goodies here, so no problem.
well, I'm about to leave to buy mine. If things keep as they are now, I may very well be the first to get a pic up. The first person with a pic should get some sort of prize.
When that happens, I am probably going to clear out this thread, and turn the other posts into a "Show us your DVD Discussion" thread.
OK, so it's not super-creative, but haha, this is me first. just outside Wal-Mart after getting it.