Can I join?


New member
Hey you all there at the Narniafans cast, could I join in on one of your podcasts in the near future? I would like to help with telling the news and the discussion part. and I'm wondering how I would go about getting on there.

I also want to say that I have greatly enjoyed listening to your podcasts, but most of the time I think of things I would say about something, and I'm like ARGH! I can't say that cause they can't hear me. lol :)

Just thought i'd ask. and by the way I have already sent in a voice audition to EveningStar for his audio projects. so you could ask him if he thinks I could join in on one of your podcasts. I probably could not be a regular host like Paul/Specter or John/EveningStar, but I think it would be fun totry and do one with you guys, if that can be arranged.

Thanks. :)
Although panel positions are reserved for staff members, there are ways for members to join in the discussion. Feel free to send questions, comments and arguements for past debates to our email at If you attach to the email your comments via audio file, it might be chosen to appear on our show.

We encourage everyone to send us their comments to our email. Its a great way to help us improve the show. :)
Hothir-Ethelnor said:
Thanks. if I can think of a good question that would be worth your time I will send it in and hope it gets on. :)

Even if you think of a bad question, send it in! Trust me, I have no life, and you are never wasting my time when you ask a question. Unless you ask a stupid question. For the last time, John, I do not know where your badger cookie is! :D
You have no life?

The sure-fire way to HAVE a life is to GIVE life to others, to BE life to others.

All around you is an absolute buffet of human needs. You could help the old, the young, the mentally handicapped, the visually handicapped, the mobility-handicapped, the terminally ill, the lonely, the depressed. It's in giving love and mercy that we receive them.
I wouldn't mind to have some forum members be semi-regular guest hosts from time to time. I think it'd be awesome to sometimes have voices of the people on the show.