Full Name: Eowyn
Birthdate: February 9
Birthplace: Cambridge, England
Hair Color: Golden brown with reddish highlights
Eye Color: Green with a ring of brown around the pupil. (Otherwise called 'hazel')
Favorite Website (other than www.narniafans.com): www.narniafans.com/forum/
Favorite Movie: Um... I don't watch that many. I like Captain Blood pretty well.
Favorite Movie Director: *sigh* The only movie director I know the name of is Andrew Adamson; we aren't into movies.
Favorite Drink: Tea, I think...
Favorite Activity: Reading, posting on NF, music (playing piano or harp, singing...), learning (Reformed) theology, learning about string theory (or M-theory), making up strange new hair-do's that mama won't let me go out of the house in *grin*, sewing (when I have time), cooking, writing poetry, trying to write music, etc.
E-Mail: useful at mail dot com
Biography: Past: I was born.
Mm...let's see if I can do better than that. Moved back from England before I can remember, and... let's skip the rest.
Present: Doing lots (!) of school. Writing poetry as fast as I can, hoping I can win a scholarship with some of it. Trying not to waste any time... *lol*
Possibly get a degree in Graphic Design. Or speech therapy. Maybe even music...but I doubt anything in that area will work out. Mostly, just get done with high school, then we'll see.
And that is all that I can think of.
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