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C.S. Lewis

Editorial: A Divine Tactfulness

There are Narnia fans, on the explicitly Christian side of the house, who are just a little uneasy about elements in the recent movie which seemed, if only slightly, to diminish Aslan’s status as Deity. To them I would say, “Have confidence in Douglas Gresham’s hand at the helm.” I believe that Mr. Gresham, and those who pay heed to him, are trying to be diplomatic about Aslan’s identity as Christ. What I mean by that–what I believe they have in mind–is something with Scriptural precedent. […]

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Narnia Film News

Christians Can Use Lessons from The Lion

The founder of an Internet-based ministry, which helps church leaders and spiritual educators use modern movies as teaching tools, says the recent release of the blockbuster movie The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has a strong biblical message. Dr. Marc Newman, founder of, believes that message is one that should be drawn out rather than downplayed. […]

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Narnia Film News

Puritans miss the real message of Narnia

It is hard to find a group today more puritanical than the anti-Christian, anti-Narnia brigade. They have unleashed an entirely disproportionate assault on the film The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which opened in Melbourne at the weekend. […]