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Narnia’s Wolfpack welcome in West Auckland

TORn’s Tehanu has the scoop on the wolfpack to be used in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

This came in my local paper, the Waitakere City News, and should be of interest to all you Narnia fans out there:

Waitakere City Council has no problems allowing a pack of 10 North American wolves onto its turf to be filmed as “Witch’s Minions” for the C. S. Lewis classic The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe.

The council’s Environmental Compliance Team Manager Alan Ahmu says this is one of the more unusual requests handled by his office.

He told the film makers Lamp Post Productions that the Council has no objections to wolves being used within its district, so long as any conditions and controls stipulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in relation to the importation, welfare, custody and use of the wolves, are complied with.

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