As the phenomenally popular book comes to life on the silver screen in Disney’s long awaited animated film “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” viewers can discover the transformational story of the literary genius who brought them these honored tales as the life of C.S. Lewis unfolds on the small screen in “C.S. Lewis: Beyond Narnia,” premiering Friday, December 9 (8/7c) on Hallmark Channel.
C.S. Lewis is portrayed by Anton Rodger (“The Merchant of Venice”), Joy Gresham is played by Golden Globe nominee Diane Venora (“Bird”), and John Franklyn-Robbins (“Vanity Fair”) is The Great Knock. “C.S. Lewis: Beyond Narnia” was written and directed by Norman Stone. Executive producers are Edward P. Murray and William Spencer Reilly of Faith & Values Media, and Jeffrey C. Weber of Lightworks Producing Group.
I’ve had the opportunity of previewing this video, and it is well worth watching, for anyone that is curious about the life of C.S. Lewis, and the foundation for the creation of Narnia. It is a very well put together program which features Brian Sibley and others, speaking about Lewis’ experiences, as well as very good dramatic performances. Be sure to watch this when it airs on December 9th, or set the VCR to record it while you are experiencing Narnia at the theatre. This is a wonderful companion piece to the film.
For clips, pictures and more, visit
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