Karen writes: The Public BroadCasting Company (PBS) has a weekly news program called The Religion and Ethics Newsweekly. This week, their feature story is on the upcoming CON: LWW film. In addition, they have a companion web site with the transcript and streaming video, as noted below:
C.S. Lewis may be perhaps the most widely-respected and most widely-read Christian writers of the 20th century. Although he was an atheist for many years, Lewis came to embrace Christianity as a literary scholar at Oxford. He authored many books explaining and advocating Christianity and became a sought-after lecturer and debater. Over 100 million copies of THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA, his seven-volume series of novels for children filled with Christian symbolism, have been sold since they were published in the 1950s. Now, the first published book in the series, THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE, is set to debut on the big screen this December and many evangelicals are planning to use the film’s arrival as a way to promote their own message of faith.
Kim Lawton looks at the spiritual life of the acclaimed author and how conservative Christian groups are using the Christian themes in the upcoming movie adaptation of THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE as an opportunity to evangelize. Jerry McCauley with New Song Community Church in Oceanside, California, observes, “Given this opportunity with the film, given what we believe is the deeper meaning of the book and the film, we really have this … one-time chance to make an impact and to help people find God.”
Read a transcript or watch streaming video of this report at: [http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/week913/feature.html]