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CS Lewis Festival brings Narnia to Life in Belfast

Author CS Lewis may have ended up writing the evergreen Narnia series of books at Oxford, he was born and bred in Belfast, and the city is set to celebrate its most famous novelist with a 10-day festival.

The festival is timed to capitalize on the release of the big-budget film version of Lewis’s best-know story – The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe – which looks set to be a major box office hit.

Events run from December 2-11 2005 and feature storytelling, literary workshops, tours, talks, a lantern parade and more, forming part of the city’s Celebrate Belfast programme.

“Celebrate Belfast is 15 months of celebrations in the city and the aim of it is to showcase what Belfast has to offer,” explained Sarah Quinlan from the Celebrate Belfast Team.

“Within that we are celebrating some of our prominent citizens of which CS Lewis was one.”

[Read the rest at 24hourmuseum]

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