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Prepare yourself to see Narnia

The movie is now upon us. This month, you may be planning to see the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with much of the world’s population. I want to help you to make the most of this theatre experience. So, here’s my list of ten things to be sure to do when you go to the theatre to see it.

#1: Stick Around for the Credits
Believe me when I say, wait a bit when the credits start. Do not get up and hustle out right when they begin. There is one more scene in the film, and a greatly important one. Don’t worry, it’s not that far into the credits. You may quietly leave after that scene.

#2: Be respectful of those around you
There’s nothing worse than someone complaining about a movie while they are watching it. It just ruins the whole experience for everyone else that may be enjoying the movie. Relax, it’s just a movie, let it take you on the adventure.

#3: Watch it through the eyes of the characters
The first time you see it, enjoy it. After that, each time you watch this film, watch it through the eyes of a different character. Watch it through the eyes of Lucy one time, Edmund another, Susan the next, and Peter after that. You’ll go on four different adventures with the same movie in different perspectives.

#4: Do not spoil things for others
Never, under any circumstances, shout at the screen what’s going to happen. Sure, you’ve read the book, but some of you may not have. This seems obvious, but I’ve been at movies where people were less than courteous of a sold out house, and spoiled the entire ending of a movie for everyone there.

#5: Don’t cut in line
Never cut in line at the theatre, when it comes down to it, you could have gotten there earlier, like everyone else did. When there is something unavoidable that keeps you from the theatre until later, relax, you’ll still see the movie, and if it means that much to you, then you probably have tickets to see it again anyway.

#6: Get to the theatre at least an hour early
If you want a good seat, plan on this. Not only is it the smart thing to do, but the best thing to do. It always surprises me when people walk in a minute before showtime, and are shocked to see that the entire stadium seating area is filled completely. It’s not rocket science to figure out that popular movies on opening weekends will fill up quickly.

#7: Go to the bathroom before the show
I know that people are different and some people need to use the bathroom more than others. Please position yourself with easy access to an exit, out of courtesy to other filmgoers; not just the ones in your row, but the ones in rows behind you as well. The movie moves very quickly, so a quick trip to the bathroom will leave you behind a little.

#8: No loud comments when the movie ends
If you didn’t like the movie, the world doesn’t need to hear it vocalized. Be polite and check your comments until later. Some movies actually do need to be carefully considered, thought about, and talked about to get the most out of them. I’ve not liked a movie, and found myself loving that same movie after talking about it with friends for a while. This movie, I talked about with Courtney for about four hours after it ended.

#9: Turn your cellphone off
Never, under any circumstances, answer your phone in a theatre. If there’s a medical or family emergency, then please leave the theatre and then answer, or return the call. It would take thirty seconds to do so, and it’s the right thing to do.

#10: Submit your Fan Review, here at
We’ve spent a long time building a review section that goes in-depth. You rate each aspect of the movie from one to five shields, and then write a little bit about it. After, you have the chance to review each actor and sequence in the movie on the same scale, taking you on the best movie review process on the web. Share your thoughts with the world! Walden Media and Disney both read these reviews, so here’s your chance to be heard. Just be sure to follow the rules. (Plus, there’s a chance at a prize for the best review.)

Thanks for reading and enjoy your moviegoing experience!

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