Site icon Narnia Fans

Welcome to

I would just like to extend a warm welcome to all visitors to Take a look around. I hope that you enjoy the wealth of information that you find here. We’ve got no shortage of Narnia and C.S. Lewis information, and we’re proud to offer it all to you.

If you’re looking for a place to talk about the amazing Walden Media production of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, look no further than The Dancing Lawn. It is also available at

We’ve also recently launched a place for you, the fan, to make your voice heard about the latest film. We’ve worked long and hard to make sure this was THE place to review the film. People from Disney and Walden Media have been welcomed to read the reviews and monitor the scores left by our members and other fans, and they have told me that they are watching them and spreading the word about them to many within the company.

Narnia Fan Reviews

The whole family is encouraged to submit a review. When your review is posted, you can link to it from your journal or website and are welcomed to encourage others to do the same. The more the merrier. You’ll be asked to rate things such as the music, and direction, and even have an option to rate each major sequence in the film, such as Lucy meeting Mr. Tumnus, the Stone Table, and how each actor did playing their respective roles.

You can also learn about the music that was so beautifully composed or inspired by the story and the film. There are resources to help you and your family get the most out of Narnia, and also a merchandise area where you can find a gift for your family, friends or even that special someone. This website has been around for two years, and we’re constantly growing, adding more and more for you, and by you, and we couldn’t do this without you.

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