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The Third Austin C. S. Lewis Conference – Registration Open

Peter Kreeft, William Lane Craig and Frederica Mathewes Green will lead the journey as we explore the heart and depth of the Christian faith. These internationally known speakers will give us a rich day of thought provoking insight. Artistic performances scattered like shimmering islands throughout the day will give us time to enjoy the God-given creativity of the Body of Christ. We will also enjoy meals outdoors under tents with live music and a play in the evening on the life of C.S. Lewis created and performed by the author, David Payne, An Evening with C.S. Lewis.

Our regional team is once again organizing a feast for the heart, mind, and soul. We invite you to be part of the fun, excitement, and reasoned consideration of our faith, all stimulated by the author of The Chronicles of Narnia. With Lewis as our guide, these contemporary speakers and performers will give us thoughtful spiritual food to digest.

The day will begin with Celtic worship music by the band Wear That Shoe from San Marcos. Joel Heck, Chief Academic Officer of Concordia University at Austin and a Fellow of the Institute, will deliver the opening meditation. We will sing hymns to waken our spirits.

William Lane Craig will present “Are There Objective Truths About God?” Bill Craig is a leading Christian apologist on the core of the faith: the reliability of the resurrection and the accounts of the miraculous in Scripture.

An artistic interlude featuring Wear That Shoe will follow. The band has 8 terrific musicians and features a wide variety of stylistic influences.

From Celtic and folk to jazz, they will entertain and bring us “in step” with the rhythm of the day.

Peter Kreeft will present “The Only Apologetic Guaranteed to Win the World.” Prof. Kreeft is a prolific author and entertaining speaker with a rare talent of turning a phrase that both enlightens and entertains.

Lunch will follow outdoors with live music. Meal time performers include Paul Finley, Keith Atkinson and Scott Hawley.

Frederica Mathewes Green will present the third talk “A Golden Bell and a Pomegranate.” Frederica’s talk on beauty as an apologetic will be a delight.

After an artistic interlude, the Panel Discussion will then be moderated by Bill Taylor, Executive Director of the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission and a Fellow of the Institute. Bill and the three speakers will be joined by Joel Heck and David Taylor, Arts Pastor of Hope Chapel and Artistic Advisor to the Institute.

Dinner will be outdoors under tents with live music–an old fashioned Texas barbeque and a chance to reflect on the day with friends, both old and new.

David Payne will then perform his original creation An Evening with C.S. Lewis, which is an intriguing and fun way to get to know Lewis as a person.

REGISTRATION is online at Online payments are through PayPal and are secure and safe. The cost is $60 through February 28, $75 through April 25, and $85 beginning April 26–if any tickets remain. Seating is limited, so register soon.

The speakers will also speak in sponsoring churches on Sunday. Visit the web site for additional details.

PS-an idea and challenge: Bring a friend or family member who is not a Christ follower, and give them a day of thought provoking Christian speakers and the glory and beauty of artistic expression in the faith. After all, Lewis himself was “a prodigal,” brought into the kingdom “kicking, struggling, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape.”

Your favorite seeker, skeptic, and/or atheist may have much in common with Lewis. But stand ready! Once exposed to goodness, truth, and beauty, (aka, the “deeper magic”), your guest may experience what Lewis experienced after he fully embraced Christianity: “It was more like when a man, after a long sleep, still lying motionless in bed, becomes aware that he is now awake.”

We hope to see you in Austin for this glorious weekend. All friends of Narnia are welcome!

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