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C.S. Lewis events set

Dr. Francis S. Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health, will speak on the topic “Bios Through Logos: Seeing God in the Human Genome” at the C.S. Lewis Foundation Summer Institute at Williams College.

Collins led the completion of the 13-year-long Human Genome Research project, and developed techniques to map and identify genes responsible for diseases such as cystic fibrosis, neurofibromatosis, Huntington’s disease and Hutchison-Gilford progeria syndrome.

Collins’ talk at the C.S. Lewis Summer Institute befits the conference theme: “Love Among the Ruins: the Renewal of Character and Culture.” Seminars will be held from Friday to July 16.

In addition to seminars on Lewis, art history, popular culture and other subjects, there will be workshops in the visual arts, dance, theater and creative writing. There will also be a Children’s Track that will focus on a theme from Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia,” and a “College Briefing” for college-bound high school juniors and seniors.

The theme of the conference will be developed through several artistic performances, including an evening concert by the Boston Symphony at Tanglewood, as well as performances by the Shakespeare Theatre Festival and the Williamstown Theatre Festival.

For more information or to register, visit the Foundation’s Web site at, or call toll free (888) 235-3947.

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