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Narnia Fans Mailbag #7

We’ve just posted the seventh edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered seven letters this week, including such topics as the “enhanced effects” of the Extended Edition, The Magician’s Nephew, and more!

Q: Dear Staff,
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT NEWS! IT REGARDS SKANDAR KEYNES! It has been confirmed, maybe!, that the actor Skandar Keynes will be doing an interview at! I’m not sure if they will do the interview, but you can go to that site and CLICK on “Ask Skandar!!!” to type your questions so Skandar can answer them! If you would like to notify everybody here, I recommend that you post this notice in the section updates! Here is the link:! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO ASK SKANDAR YOUR QUESTIONS!

-Narnia Fan (Lilly’s friend)

A: That’s an awful lot of exclamation marks that you used. There were more, but I removed them. And there’s no need to YELL. Thanks for the link. I hope that it works out for you, and that we get some great questions and answers to those questions. Good luck!

Q: When you asked about that Mickey Mouse Club thing, I think it means that the Disney has a contract – normally all Disney stars get a contract saying that you have 3 Disney films that you have to film etc, Hilary Duff had: The Lizzie McGuire Movie, Cadet Kelly and I’m not sure of the third.


A: Thanks Kate! That makes a lot of sense, and is in line with what I was thinking.

Q: hi it’s arniamad again. hello, the sites still amazing. evrytime i log online i come here. i want to say well done. i’m haveing truoble acessing the interviews. please help.


A: If you’re talking about the “interviews” page on our Podcast page, we were asked to take that down, due to a number of reasons. One being sound quality, and another being some comments that were just not right. We’d rather put those comments to rest, right now. People just need to stop freaking out about what William said. He was joking, and I say: get over it.. a joke is not the end of the world.

Q: Hi!! It’s Irene again, thanks so much for your answer to my question!! I’ve seen there’s something like a competition to win a trip to Prince Caspian set, but it’s just to US residents, and I’d like to know if there will be something like that for other countries. Thanks!!


A: Honestly, I have no idea if there will be. If something is announced, we’ll post what we hear, as soon as we hear it!

Q: Hello, thanks for having a mailbag available for questions. Its really good! I read that the Extended Edition of Narnia will have enhanced special effects. Does that mean that this extended edition of the film will be somewhat different to the original? Thanks!


A: You’re welcome! I haven’t seen the Extended Edition yet, so I don’t really know what “Enhanced Special Effects” means. However, in speculation, I believe that it could have something to do (and hope that it does) with cleaning up some of the green screen shots that didn’t look completely seamless the first time around. The effects were pretty great in the theatrical release, so I am thinking that it could be in reference to either the green screen, or new special effects shots that are being finished for the DVD release.

Q: Hello again! I have two questions today, ok?
1)Have someone of the film makers mentioned why they skipped “The Magician’s Nephew?” Do you think it’s possible they will turn this installment into the film as well?
2)The links on the teaser trailer don’t work on this website. Why? Or will you give some other links? Please.


A: Okay!
1) They didn’t technically skip “The Magician’s Nephew.” It’s actually book number 6 in the original publication order. The first time you read the Chronicles, I highly recommend reading them in the following order: 2456317. After that, read them in the Chronological order. It really won’t matter what order after the initial reading. In this way, you can capture the magic of Narnia as it unfolded to readers as they were first released. (And you’ll not be confused when Lewis refers to LWW as the first adventure.) I do think it possible that The Magician’s Nephew will be made into a film for the first time, but it’ll be a few years before they get to that one.
2) Thanks for letting me know. With a site this big, it’s hard to keep track of every outgoing link. Sometimes it takes e-mails like this for me to be able to fix things. I’ll look into it in the next few days.

Q: I visited the MGM Studios atraction Journey into Narnia and it was REALLY cool. Most of all when the White Witch appears…it looked just as Tilda Swinton did on the movie! I hope every Narnia fan to visit it! But the part I liked the most was at the beginning, when you are standing outside the wardrobe….I really felt like going into Narnia.
Another thing: outside the attraction, you can take a pic in Lantern Waste…I did.


A: Thanks for the update on Journey into Narnia. I’m sure it’ll help people decide whether or not to attend the attraction when visiting MGM at Disney World!

And that’s it for Mailbag #7!

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