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C.S. Lewis Foundation Supports “Bella” Movie

The C.S. Lewis Foundation has e-mailed us with their support of the film Bella. I have seen Bella and I can tell you all: it’s a great film, worth seeing by any means possible. It is a film that touches your heart and it does so with a very simple grace and elegance. I cannot recommend it enough. Here’s the letter from the founder and president of the C.S. Lewis Foundation:

Dear friends,

The following announcement is being forwarded to you out of a sincere desire to do all we can to promote the success of this special film Bella, which is just now opening in theatres across the nation.

As we have learned with such outstanding films as Amazing Grace and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, box office sales in the opening weekend of release are of critical importance in determining the “shelf life” of a given film. To give this worthy film a boost along the way, Jean and I plan to go see Bella this weekend. It would be enormously helpful to the cause of good film making if you could do likewise, if at all possible, and, in any and all events, “pass the word” on to your friends so that others might join with us in the effort.

With warmest regards and best wishes of the Thanksgiving season,

J. Stanley Mattson, Ph.D.
Founder and President
C.S. Lewis Foundation

From Eduardo Verastegui, lead actor and Producer of film “Bella”:

URGENT!!—- Bella is the #1 Top Rated Movie in the US but If the movie “Bella” does not have high box office scores this weekend:


Because of your help the distributor is doubling the number of theaters showing Bella. We can do it again and make it to the #1 busiest box office weekend of the year….Thanksgiving weekend. It is “do or die” for this film to succeed. We need to mobilize everyone we know to watch this film Fri-Sunday (Nov 16-18). Why?


This is what we need from you to do today, in the next 48 hours. How You Can Help Bella:

Email this to everyone you know!

Click on the link below to see all the ways you can help

Together we can make a difference!

-Eduardo Verastegui

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