Site icon Narnia Fans Interviews Ben Barnes has interviewed Ben Barnes. They interviewed him in French, and they’ve posted an english translation to their website.

Here’s a sample from the interview:

A journalist: Is your life changing with this experience?

I don’t know honestly. I’m not sure I’m very well preparing for that aspect. I’m very exciting about the fact the people can see the work and I can see the opportunities that give me to do more works in different kinds of parts and very trough myself into. I’m just so I’m just so exciting about the different stories I’m reading. From that point of view, it’s fantastic! I’m starting to be invited to lots of cool parties. (laughter) But I’m working yet!

I’m very exciting the people can be seen the work that we have doing in the past, during a couple of years.

A journalist: Do you feel pressure or intimidate to taking


The same journalist : Er…

I’m kidding! (laughter) The Narnias books are like an institution in England particularly obviously. I read the books when I was eight and I watched the TV serie on the BBC at the same time. I had fun, that was completely magical with Samuel West who plaid Caspian. It will always stick on my memory. And then when I went to the university I studied literature, my special topics. So I went trough all the J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis,… So I was very familiars with this. The opportunity was very exciting!

[Read the rest of the interview at]

Thanks to Ciboule for the update!

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