A slight correction, folks. What I posted yesterday was technically the back cover information available at the TeenLibris site, and not the press release. My apologies.
However, Leah Wilson was kind enough to send us the official press release. And here it is:
DALLAS—With Prince Caspian soon to be released in movie theaters across the country, and a whole new generation of children captivated by Aslan the lion and the land of Narnia, readers young and old are eager for fresh takes on the classic series. Through the Wardrobe: Your Favorite Authors on C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia delivers, as 16 Independent Reader and Young Adult authors discuss their love of the perennial childhood favorite, from what tea and Turkish delight have to do with religion to why it’s okay to have an occasional temper tantrum.
Through the Wardrobe is edited by New York Times bestselling author Herbie Brennan, who heads a list of established and up-and-coming authors that includes Diane Duane, Lisa Papademetriou, Brent Hartinger and other beloved authors. Four write specifically on Prince Caspian: about Caspian’s transformation from teenage prince to grown-up king; about the folly of underestimating the young; about the environmentalist message hidden in Narnia’s rebirth; and about finding magic even when other people tell you it doesn’t exist.
Through the Wardrobe is the first in a new series of books called Teen Libris, where Independent Reader and Young Adult authors will give their insights on favorite IR Reader and YA series for a IR and YA audience. Other planned titles include Demigods and Monsters, on Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, edited by Rick Riordan himself and to be released in May; A New Dawn, on Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, edited by New York Times bestselling author Ellen Hopkins and to be released in June; and Secrets of the Dragon Riders, on Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance series, edited by James A. Owen and to be released in July. The series will be carried exclusively in Borders bookstores.
Through the Wardrobe is more than just your average picture book movie tie-in—it’s smart, funny and endlessly engaging, giving its readers not only more of the Narnia they love, but more to think about, dream about and enjoy.