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Prince Caspian Tops DVD Sales in First Week of Release

Before the onslaught that is The Dark Knight on Home Video, Prince Caspian managed to pull of the top spot on the DVD sales chart. This bodes well, and I hope that we continue to see strong sales throughout the holiday season and beyond.

The Blu-ray, however, didn’t top the charts. It sold one copy for every two that Wanted sold on Blu-ray. Wanted was the other big release this week and had sold 90% of the number of DVDs that Prince Caspian had sold. This doesn’t come as a big surprise though, as Blu-ray is mostly still in the early adoption phase, meaning that most owners will be into a film like Wanted, while families with children are probably not as likely to have a Blu-ray player at this point.

The Dark Knight has been released this week, and I feel it is a guaranteed top seller, and analysts are saying that it has the potential to be the first Blu-ray to sell through a million copies.

I’m going to be writing my review of the Blu-ray as soon as I can. I’m just busy at the moment with the new website.

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