In papers and plenary sessions, the conference will explore ways in which C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Owen Barfield and Charles Williams may (or may not) be particularly relevant to the literary, theological, philosophical and socio-political issues of our own early 21st century times. As in previous conferences, we would like to extend the conversation to include Dorothy Sayers as well, and we would like to open the conversation even a bit further this year by including G.K. Chesterton, a strong-minded proto-Inkling of sorts, in the mix. What might this diverse and pleasantly provocative circle of thinkers have to offer to the world of ideas that we find ourselves in?
Call for Papers
Abstracts (including a title) of 250 words, defining a clear theme and direction for an extended argument, should be e-mailed to Dr. Michael Stevens, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids MI by November 30, 2008, at In addition to submissions by academics and independent scholars, we would like to encourage submissions by graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Completed papers will be strictly limited to 20 minutes reading time, so plan accordingly. Final selection of independent and academic presenters will be compiled, and notifications sent, by January 15, 2009. Deadline for graduate and advanced undergraduate students has been extended to February 7, 2009. Graduate and advanced undergraduate abstracts should be sent to Dr. Janice Prewitt at
Presenters are expected to be or become members of the C.S. Lewis and Inklings Society. Yearly dues are $10 for students and retirees and $20 for faculty and independent scholars. Click here for more information or to become a member.
March 26-28, 2009
Prince Conference Center at Calvin College
Grand Rapids, Michigan