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EPA gives Brisbane Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader bid the thumbs up

The Brisbane Times is reporting that the Environmental Protection Agency has thrown its support behind plans to use Moreton Bay as a major film set for the next Chronicles of Narnia movie, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Redland City Council last night also backed the proposal, which would involve building a pier off Cleveland Point, south-east of Brisbane, and anchoring a barge in the bay as the site of a 40-metre-long film set ship.

Twentieth Century Fox and Walden Media have considered using Cleveland Point or Wellington Point to film some of the scenes for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Pacific Film and Television Commission spokeswoman Kylie Rathborne confirmed film-makers were interested in a number of sites, including Cleveland Point or Wellington Point in Redland City, but they were still looking at a broad range of locations.

Late yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency confirmed it had met with the film-makers last week to discuss the approval process and the agency supported plans to use Cleveland Point.

“This project would make a significant contribution to the Queensland economy and the EPA supports the chosen location for the filming on the basis that the potential environmental issues can be readily managed using legislation and permitting processes administered by the EPA,” a spokesperson said.

Environmental permit conditions would ban the film-makers from contaminating the bay, harming marine life and disturbing coral and rocky reef habitats.

Film-makers and authorities will discuss how to manage public access to the bay during filming.

Redland councillors last night voted to approve filming of The Voyage of The Dawn Treader in the area.

Cleveland councillor Craig Ogilvie said discussions were still in their early stages but it would be “fantastic” to host a major film production locally.

Most people would be prepared to suffer minor inconveniences such as lack of access to Cleveland Point for a few weeks and extra traffic caused by the film crews, he said.

“It’s a short time, I think the locals will appreciate the novelty of it,” Cr Ogilvie said.

Some people might even have the opportunity to become an extra in the movie.

“If they can fit me inside the lion’s suit I’ll put my hand up,” Cr Ogilvie joked.

It is due for release next year, with shooting expected to begin within the next few months. This is much sooner than the late summer / early fall start of filming that was previously reported.

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