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Anna Popplewell endorses Shelter, a Charity for the Homeless, with Marathon Run

Anna PopplewellAnna Popplewell is one extremely intelligent girl. Meeting her in New York last year was pretty intimidating, even though I’m a bit older than she is. And now she’s doing her part to raise money for a good cause. She writes:

I am not athletic! However, I am going to attempt to be athletic on 26th April 2009 and run the London marathon in order to raise money for an extremely worthy cause. Shelter is a brilliant charity that targets homelessness in the UK and, particularly homelessness amongst children. One in seven children in Britain are either homeless or living in either overcrowded or poor conditions, and nearly 1.7 million households are on waiting lists for a social rented home.

Shelter campaigns for more government assisted affordable housing, provides education schemes for disadvantaged children, gives free advice for those under threat of illegal eviction or housing difficulties, and works with both local and national authorities to secure lasting change. I am training hard and am determined to make it to the finish line in a respectable time in April. I want to make a contribution to the wonderful work Shelter do and I would be incredibly grateful if you would sponsor my marathon.

Many thanks,


If you’re interested in donating to this charity to help her reach her goal of £3,000.00, you can visit her page on

Big thanks to Mark Sommer for running the story on

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