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Lewis Remembered: Visits with Friends of C.S. Lewis

What was it like to know C.S. Lewis as a friend? A stepfather? A benefactor? Meet with those who knew him best as family and friends of Jack Lewis reminisce about a man of integrity, scholarship, and humor.

Gain an insider’s glimpse into formative influences on Lewis’ life. Consider how he integrated his Christian faith with work and personal pursuits. Beginning with a biography of Lewis’ life and conversion, each day’s discussion will introduce you to another of Lewis’ closest contemporaries.

Don’t miss this opportunity to live and study in C.S. Lewis’ beloved home, “The Kilns.”
Register Now by Clicking Here

Week III: August 1-7 2009
Lewis Remembered: Visits with Friends of C.S. Lewis
With Walter Hooper, Laurence Harwood, & Kim Gilnett

This summer offers a rare opportunity for you to spend one week at The Kilns, the beloved home of C.S. Lewis in Oxford!

It is your chance, not only to live in the same charming brick cottage where C.S. Lewis lived most of his adult life, but also to:

You’ll find all this and more in Week III of the Summer Seminars-in-Residence at The Kilns, August 1-7, 2009.

There’s not much time left and even fewer spaces, so we encourage you to act now to experience this unique opportunity!

For more information and to register, please visit the Summer Seminar website or call 1-888-CSLEWIS.

We hope to see you in Oxford!

* Program details are subject to change

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