Narnia Fans Spy Andrew got the chance to visit the Dawn Treader at WB Movie World, and sent us, not only a group of 42 photos, but also a video slide show on youtube! The amount of detail in the ship is incredible. (We all know, but I can verify that.) Take a look at the pictures, and if you want to see gigantic versions of them, we have a link to the flickr account where he’s hosting them at the end of this post.
For details on how you can also visit the Dawn Treader at WB Movie World in Australia, see this story.
If you visit the set and take some great original pictures, we’d love to have them. Be creative. This is your chance to see and be on a huge prop from a movie, that you likely won’t have a chance to do again. It’s a spectacular ship that is absolutely beautiful to behold in person. Pictures just don’t do it justice, as anyone that has visited will tell you.

Photos taken on behalf of by Andrew Thomson. See them all at Andrew’s Flickr