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United Kingdom 10-16 Year Olds: Win a Trip on the Dawn Treader

Do you live in the UK? Are you between ten and sixteen years old? You could win a week long trip aboard the Dawn Treader! Details from the contest page are as follows:

To win a week’s sailing on the magnificent ship The Matthew, off the magical coast of Cornwall, for you and an adult, all you have to do is answer the question [provided]. The competition is open to 10-16 year olds , and you must be able to travel between 30th Aug and 6th Sept 2010 and as it’s being filmed you must agree to be filmed and appear on Five TV. Not only that but we’re also throwing in two tickets to the The Voyage of the Dawn Treader film premiere! But hurry up as the closing date is 22nd August 2010.

This contest is being run in conjunction with the UK’s Channel 5 News. For more information: Five.TV and you can enter the contest here:

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