As we were driving around, Christian was telling us about a game that his parents used to do when they had a surprise for him. “Am I going to turn left, am I going to turn right? No, I’m going straight on!” And suddenly we pulled into a ranch. “Somebody has arranged horseback riding on the beach for you!”
After this, we made our way to Padstow, where the Dawn Treader was docked. It was what everyone called a “chill” day. We found meals in pasties, which are very popular there (and in northern Michigan, so I had heard of them, but they originated in Cornwall making the experience more authentic).
After a break for some shopping around town, we went back aboard the Dawn Treader for some sea shanties. For those who don’t know, a sea shanty is a song that was sung by sailors on a ship like this while they worked. Most of the shanties are stories that are very amusing tales, and the singers did a fair bit of censoring to the lyrics to make them more family friendly. They have a tendency to be a bit vulgar.
The shanty singers reminded me of a barbershop quartet in many ways. They came from Falmouth to perform, and had a great time singing for us. They even got us all involved in one that we all knew.
It was a terrific experience, and that night everyone went and hung out together and really connected with each other. It was a long day, however, and the next day was another early one, so we took off early to get some sleep. And by early, I mean late.
Thanks, Christian, for setting up the horseback riding. That was one incredible surprise.
The next entry will feature the next challenge as well as some incredible scenery.