Critics throw Rotten Tomatoes at Tron Legacy (updated)
David Sutton
Tron Legacy was a heavily hyped sequel that just released in theaters, but the movie has received terrible reviews from critics. A few weeks ago I posted about when the Voyage of the Dawn Treader received an early review rating of 63% (view story). The Dawn Treader reviews have dropped from the initial 63%, but the new Narnia film is still far better reviewed than Tron Legacy’s poor rating of 48%. Tron Legacy is direct box office competitor with Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Among top-critics Tron Legacy is rated at 31%, but Voyage of the Dawn Treader is rated at 50%. When The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe released in theaters it had a great opening and then had competition from Peter Jackson’s King Kong the next week. Several people expected Narnia to fall victim to King Kong, but The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe remained the #1 film. This week we will wait and see if Tron Legacy flops and Voyage of the Dawn Treader retains its #1 status. I was very excited for Tron Legay until I heard that it was an absolute bust. I recommend that anyone who wants to see Tron Legacy must first watch the original Tron. If you didn’t like or understand the 1982 original than you will probably not enjoy the sequel. Continue reading to see quotes from a few of the film’s reviews.
“There are two great potholes all sequels face and must avoid if they have any hope of succeeding. TRON: Legacy doesn’t stumble into them so much as jump head first without a parachute.”-Joshua Starnes Coming Soon.Net
“Tron: Legacy shows off a world where everything is eye candy, and absolutely nothing is brain candy.”-Laremy Legel
“TRON Legacy is the Windows Vista of movies – it’s got a beautiful interface, some great bells and whistles, but it does have a few unsightly bugs.”-Clint Morris Moviehole
“Techie reboot is visually dazzling but short on story.”-Sandie Angulo Chen Common Sense Media