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Liam Neeson appears on The View for Dawn Treader

Liam Neeson, who plays Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, appeared on yesterday’s episode of The View.  He spoke a bit about the same things he mentioned in other interviews, including my own, which I am currently editing.  In the interview, he revealed he was unfamiliar with the books before being cast to voice Aslan, which he said is ironic because he was born near Belfast, Ireland, where C.S. Lewis, the author of the books, was born. It was his oldest son, 15, who introduced them to him. When Neeson told him he got the part of Aslan, his son replied, “Dad…Aslan is God!”

The film also received an enthusiastic endorsement from an unlikely source: Whoopi Goldberg.

Thanks to Nate Marchand at Examiner, and you can watch the full episode here.

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