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WSJ: Flaherty on CS Lewis

Tuesday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal features an op-ed by Walden Media President Micheal Flaherty.

Flaherty’s piece is a response to recent comments by former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who includes C.S. Lewis among her favorite authors, and criticism of Palin by Joy Behar, a court jester comedienne and talk show host.

Hit the jump for more details.

You can read the full text on the Journal’s website by clicking here, but the following is perhaps the article’s best quote:

Mrs. Palin is on the right track by giving C.S. Lewis a prominent place on her reading list. Yet Ms. Behar and other Palin critics have dismissed Lewis’s work, forgetting that Lewis was a medieval and renaissance scholar at Oxford and the author of several brilliant Christian apologetics. Ms. Behar’s dismissal of children’s books as less than important makes her a modern-day Eustace, the type of bully who mocks readers of fairy tales as simpletons.

Indeed.  How could a self-identified Catholic like Ms. Behar fail to realize Lewis not only wrote the children’s books she sneers at, but is also repeatedly included on lists of the 20th century’s most prominent Christian theologians?

Someone better get Behar a copy of “Mere Christianity” for Christmas.

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