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Check in to Family Christian Stores and Check Out Dawn Treader DVD Discounts

FourSquare is a popular location based social network. FourSquare users can check in to locations around their cities to tell their friends where they are. Family Christian Stores joined FourSquare to promote the Voyage of the Dawn Treader DVD and Blu-ray release. Continue reading to learn more about FourSquare and find out how you can use FourSquare to get 25% off when you buy the Dawn Treader DVD and Blu-ray.

To download the free FourSquare app for the iPhone click here. Users can use the GPS in their phone to detect nearby locations. Using the app you will be able to “Check In” to these venues. Your check ins are automatically shared with your FourSquare friends, but you can also optionally share them with Facebook and Twitter as well. FourSquare also has a game element as you earn points for checking into a variety of locations. Another competitive aspect of FourSquare is that the person who checks into a venue the most times in 60 days becomes the mayor of the venue.

People can now follow on FourSquare to receive tips about C.S. Lewis or Narnia locations nearby their location. NarniaFans currently has over 70 tips at C.S. Lewis related locations around the world. To follow NarniaFans on FourSquare visit

People who check into Family Christian Stores on FourSquare will be able to get a discount on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader DVD or Blu-ray. Follow these steps to save 25% on your entire order of regular priced items.

Step 1:

Use the FourSquare app to select the nearest Family Christian Stores location.

Step 2:

Check in and share a message with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and FourSquare.

Step 3:

When you buy your Voyage of the Dawn Treader DVD or Blu-ray at Family Christian Stores show your phone’s screen to the cashier. Bellow you can see the difference between the locked (invalid) and unlocked (valid) coupons. The orange design shows that the person has checked in and unlocked the discount. Once the casher sees this they will enter the promo code 124895850. There is no physical coupon to print out.

Locked Special
Unlocked Special



























If you don’t have a cell phone you can still get 25% off by printing out this coupon.

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