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Douglas Gresham to Answer Your Questions on Live Twitter Chat

Coinciding with the launch of the official C.S. Lewis Twitter (@CSLEWIS), HarperOne Publishers is hosting a live Twitter chat with C.S. Lewis’ stepson, and executive producer of the Narnia movies, Douglas Gresham at 2 p.m. EST on Wednesday, November 16.

Follow #CSLEWIS to participate or follow!

Gresham will be tweeting answers to questions and giving insights into Lewis as a man, an author, and a thinker that continues to shape the conversation around faith and life. Ask a question to @CSLEWIS and you could win a C.S. Lewis Boxed Set.

Follow @CSLEWIS today to get quotes, reflections, and exclusive products. HarperOne is currently doing daily giveaways of C.S. Lewis books and products to followers — including box sets of The C.S.Lewis Signature Classics, Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, and The Great Divorce, and many more. More than 200 books will be given away to followers of @CSLEWIS over the next few weeks!

You can get your free C.S. Lewis e-booklet right now at

If you are new to Twitter chats you can easily follow along by going here ( during the live event.

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