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The Narnia Code Podcast Series

While there are many books to help you enjoy The Chronicles of Narnia or the individuals stories, one fairly recent work that has generated a lot of attention is The Narnia Code  by Dr. Michael Ward. Although there are those who have questioned whether such a secret code exists, many have found the book to be helpful in understanding the already admitted hidden Christian layer.

After having the privilege of doing a single interview with Dr. Ward about The Narnia Code several months ago on my All About Jack podcast show I approach him about doing an in-depth special on it. Out of this discussion has come a special short-term series taking a chapter-by-chapter look at the book that are between 15-20 minutes long each. So far seven shows have been released of the originally planned twelve-part program. However, an additional episode is being produced to answer common questions Dr. Ward has received about the book.

If you want to have an easy way to catch-up with what’s already available, I’ve created a special release that contains the first three shows on my other blog, the C.S. Lewis Minute.  For those reading this weeks or months after the series is posted you can visit my central site, to learn where to go to listen to it.

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