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APRIL FOOLS! Scientists Discover Faun Skeleton?

Back in 2003, scientists discovered a skeleton ion the Indonesian island of Flores that was affectionately nicknamed ‘The Hobbit”. The skeleton’s remains were like that of a human, but smaller, but not to the extent of dwarfism, hence the name .While this was no conclusive evidence that Hobbits exists, paleontologists from Europe have discovered what appears to be the remains of a faun, not unlike Mr. Tumnus from Narnia.

Digging near the Acropolis in Greece, archaeologists discovered uncovered what appeared to be a massive burial mound for the once believed mythical creature. The Skeletons are at an average height of approximately 5’8” (1.76 m) in height, roughly the average height of a human being. As expected it has a human top half but goat like legs and horns upon the head. One of the horns appears to have been broken off.

Bellow is a picture of the skull, collar bones and rib cage from the skeleton.

Skull of the faun found in the dig site in Greece

They also uncovered what appears to be the remains of an umbrella, a pan pipe and some fabric scraps. Archaeologists hope that further digs will reveal more about this once mythic culture. Dr. Alan Grant, the head of the project, had said, “This discovery changes everything we have previously known about fantasy creatures. If these creatures did in fact exist, what does that mean about our ancient stories? Did they contain more facts then we first believed?”


Stay tuned to NarniaFans for more news on this amazing discovery that will no doubt have staggering implications for all mankind!

Learn more about this discovery here!


Update: EveningStar said it best in our Dancing Lawn forums when it was mentioned that this is the biggest find since the Piltdown Man, which was a hoax. However ours was made because it is…


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