What does it take to bring “Prince Caspian” to the stage?
An innumerable amount of time and effort has gone into preparing for the World Premiere of “Prince Caspian” on stage. Academy of the Arts Ministries has created everything used in this production… from dwarf beards to train stations, regal costumes to Caspian’s life-sized, ride-able horse Destrier. Academy volunteers and staff have worked day and night to find the music, create the light cues, sew hundreds of costumes, and experiment for hours with make-up. They have built all the sets from a ruined Cair Paravel to Aslan’s How, complete with a broken and aged Stone Table. Artistic director Nicole Stratton corresponded long distance with the C.S. Lewis Company and Douglas Gresham to finish and perfect the final script for performance. Cast and crew members have had to practice “flying” characters on stage rigging and spent months rehearsing scenes. Our stunt team has planned and choreographed over a hundred fight sequences, whilst the media team spent more than a day in the studio recording the voice of Aslan, voiced by Dr. Nicky Chavers (Academy of the Arts Ministries’ founder). Actors on stilts have learned to walk, run, and fight like living trees in Narnia. Props have been drawn, built, and painted. The team has done so much in order prepare Logos Theatre and the cast of “Prince Caspian” to present and share C.S. Lewis’ moving story of spiritual faith, trust, and new beginnings in a powerful and memorable way that only Narnia can.
Below are many Behind-the-Scenes pictures from creation to dress rehearsals, as well as, a special Behind-the-Scenes highlight video put together by our Production Manager, Joe Hainsworth.
Between The Scenes – Prince Caspian