Welcome to Mailbag #16. Read on, and then submit your own letters via our contact form. Once again, we're still doing some detective work on some of the e-mails we've received. Stay tuned in future weeks for info on the Extended Edition in other regions, and perhaps another letter from WETA Workshop. This mailbag is a little late because of two things: work on remodeling WaldenFans.com and a video of a retreat that I worked a little while ago.
Q: I was wondering what the song(s) played during the Narnia bloopers (on the dvd) were. thanks! I looove this website and I enjoy posting in the forum. Keep up the good work! God bless!
-Reep the Mouse
A: Thanks for the e-mail. I've looked all over the DVD to try and find credits of some sort for the music in the Gag Reel, and I've come up empty. If anyone knows what the music is, don't hesitate to write in!
Q: Where can i get the font used in the Chronicles of Narnia LWW?
-Narnia's Fan
A: This is a very good question, as the fonts used for the film were created specially for Narnia. The only thing that I can tell you is that they might be found by a simple google search for the fonts. I also recommend (sparingly though) a site called "dafont.com." It has thousands of fonts, and might even have a Narnia font or two.
UPDATE: Aaron Hallstrom here, covered E3 a while back for you guys.
Was reading through Mail Bag 16, and one individual asked about the
Narnia movie font. You are correct in saying it was created specially
for the movie, but it is actually pretty easy to find. The font name
is "Black Chancery", and can be located in a variety of places. The
easiest is here: Masterstech
Q: Thanks you for having such a wonderful site! It's a great source and very open and friendly. Anyways, I have two questions regarding the cast of Narnia. First is about two previous questions in the mailbag about William Moseley being a Christian. My friend and I have been wondering about that and would like to know in what interview did he talk about his religion/religious beliefs? For my second question, I was wondering why they are asking for Hispanic-looking boys to try out for Caspian? I guess I'll have to go back and look at the book, but I don't remember and I didn't imagine Caspian and the Telermarines to be Hispanic-looking. There's nothing wrong with them being that way, I was just wondering what there reasoning behind that might be. Thanks so much! You are wonderful, NarniaFans!!!
- Becca
A: Becca, thanks for writing! For your first question, check out this Interview with William Moseley. It was conducted by our moderator ~Rogue~. The audio version was of very poor quality (due to the recording tools and other such problems), so it was removed. We may put it back up in the future, but it'll be some time.
As for your second question, I believe that the look of the character is based (somewhat) on the end of the story. For those that haven't read the book, you can move on to the next letter now. Anyway, if you're still here, you might remember that at the end of the story, Aslan sends the people to our world, and the location they went would probably fit that look for the characters. It really could add a lot more depth to the world of Narnia.
Q: How can I find the first The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe not the new one that came out?
-Kristy McCloskey
A: Well Kristy, that depends on what you consider to be the first one. There were two previous versions of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe:
The Animated Version
The BBC Version
Take a look at those two links, and you'll find what you're looking for.
Q: Hello again! I was just wondering, do the Narnia actors get a choice over what their costumes and hair looks like in the movies? Because William hated his hair in the movie and Georgie didn't like hers much either. In the interview you did with William he said that he is definately not going to trust Andrew with his haircut in the next movie. Don't they get any say in what they look like?
Ps: I think William's hair looks better in the LWW movie than it does now, (it's too long) I hope they cut it for him again! haha!
Okay thanks for your generous time. Cheerio!
A: Hey Nellie! Well, just so you know, William didn't REALLY hate his haircut. I think it was more in jest, because the hairstyle isn't current. And to answer your question: no, the actors do not get a choice over their costumes and hair look like for the movie. The look of the characters must reflect the setting and style of the movie. The characters had to be dressed in authentic looking clothing and to sport authentic haircuts from the time period. Putting children with modern haircuts into WWII London, while wearing jeans and t-shirts would not fit the setting, and would pull people out of the story. It's the job of the costume designer and many others to decide what the children will look like in the film. The artists spend months designing motifs that will reflect both where the character is coming from, what clothes would be natural for the scene, and what can best display character growth throughout the story.
And that's it for Mailbag #16!
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