Welcome to Mailbag #27. We're back for more with the mailbag! Read on, and then submit your own letters via our contact form.
Q: Sorry that I haven't sent a letter in a while. A great site, one I go to weekly. I'm proud that they've started Prince Caspian, and I'm glad they found him, even if he is a bit older than I had imagined. One question: are they going to make Dawn Treader?
A:Yes they are. They're currently searching for a director. They seem to have been close to finding one when they were in talks with director Neil Burger (The Illusionist), but he decided to move forward with a different project. The search goes on!
Q: Can you tell me where I can get Narnia bumper stickers? ("There's No Place Like Narnia" or "I'd Rather Be in Narnia", etc.)
A: The search has begun! I've contacted Emily, and hopefully in the next mailbag, we'll have our answer, and BUMPER STICKERS!
Q: Hi. I am making a Narnia Total War mod for a game called "Rome Total War." Do you know what permission I would need to make this?
A: As long as you don't plan on selling it or making a profit off of it, there shouldn't be any problem with it. It would fall under fan art/parody.
Q: I was watching Narnia the other day and I noticed that the four thrones show one of the childrens christmas gifts. I was wondering if anyone knew what is on Edmund's?
UPDATE: Many people have e-mailed us to inform us that it is in fact The White Witch's wand, breaking in two. A symbolic reference to the heroism of Edmund, as well as the breaking of her spell over him.
Q: Dear Paul,
I have a few questions regarding your shipping address and the letter you plan to send to the Narnia cast and crew. First question: Are we allowed to send stuff to you through your shipping address? Second question:If we can, what kind of stuff can we send in? Third question:And can they get responses back from you or something? Last question: And is the letter (the one you plan to send to the Narnia cast and crew) still going on? Hopefully it's not too late to send in my message! Well, respond back please and thank you! Bye!
A: It would cost me far too much to send stuff along with the letter. I apologize for that, but mailing anything over borders can cost more than $20. Second question: just a message. ;-) and Third question: I don't think that's possible, but we'll have to see how they respond to this one. The letter will be up for about a week yet. Get those messages in!
And that's it for Mailbag #27!
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