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  • She didn't know you had facebook ;)

    Pretty good, though the Christmas season hasn't been nearly as busy as usual so far, I miss the insane business :D
    'Twould be awesome :D I really want to meet up with Audrey sometime, I know exactly where she is and we talk on the phone too ;)
    We usually go through a town called Olean for donuts, not sure what it's near as far as larger things ;)
    Yessssssss very awesome :D I should tell you every time I'm going up there to see if you're anywhere in the area ;)
    Um actually Ally, I've been going to New York once a month for several months now and did it for like 7 months straight starting with last October, sometimes more than once per month
    Um, that sounds like a scarily accurate description of teenage life XD

    then we could go together ;)
    I do those ;)

    It's at least kind of the simplest, compared to working out how you're going to live at a college. Yes, we've got quite a few colleges not incredibly far away, currently my sister is commuting to one that's like an hour away before that she was going to the community college (which actually has a branch like ten minutes away but she only ever had one class there)

    If you figure anything out you can tell me if they do something cool so I can go :D
    Well I'm intending to commute if I do actually go to a college, so online or nearby are my choices ;)

    I finally looked it up, it's called Fellowship for the Performing Arts and I think it's in NYC ;)
    I've never heard of many colleges that aren't close to me, I don't know anything ;)

    That's awesome :D I actually just learned about a Christian Theater fellowship because we saw the Screwtape Letters in Cleveland, they're based in New York and actually have rights to like everything written by C.S. Lewis, they're planning on doing the Great Divorce next
    It's amusing ;) Um, I like Franklin which is in Columbus, mainly because I could do it all online. Otherwise I'm not sure, something close or the career center around here

    I do too ;)

    Possibly, what would that be?
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