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  • BK!!!
    I was looking through my family's DVD collection the other week and was reminded of this lovely little website that I used to be completely obsessed with. Thought it was time for a revisit and of course had to come say hi to you! Especially since your name is all fancy and blue now! When did that happen?! Have I been gone that long?? (congrats by the way!)
    In case your interested I turned 18 this July (officially a grown up now) and this September I started university to study Midwifery! In the UK it's such a competitive course, (I think I read somewhere you have a 2-10% chance of getting a place) so I'm super excited and proud that I got accepted first time :)
    I'm excited to hear back from you, anything exciting happened in my absence?
    In that case, I'll understand if ALL you do on Facebook is to private-message me. But here on Dancing Lawn: if you have not yet done so, please look at my story-thread "Grey Eagle, Sanitized."
    I hope your summer is going well, and that your family is experiencing grace and joy together.

    There is a new contest --Live Like a Narnian-- Please feel free to forward this info to anyone you think would enjoy participating.
    Hi BK - If you have time please sign up for a month-page in our 2015 Narnian Quote Calendar to design.
    Hi BK,
    I hope your work and time with family are going well. When you have a chance, please vote for favorite quotes for our 2015 Narnian Quote Calendar.

    Note: The 18 quotes under consideration are at the bottom of the post, beneath the Tally.
    I just posted a text+graphic project, 2015 Narnian Quote Calendar collaboration project. I would like your input on November 11 in deciding which of the winning quotes go with which month... if you are available that day sometime before 10 pm Pacific time I will arrange a free conference call using my friend's 800 number. Or we can do messaging on facebook.
    Hi BK
    how about a necklace that says Friendship in elven script? I just saw one on e-bay today for $10.
    Yes - I was reading a review of that series on Plugged In while you must have been posting. Thanks for giving people the benefit of the doubt though. I appreciate that about you.
    Okay, sorry I have been gone so long! I am planning on being back!!! College just started though, but I will make an effort to be on more again!
    Haha. Awesome! :D Sounds fun. :) Can you show me the graphics you made me? I'm not sure if i have them. I probably do but I have no clue where they'd be located on my computer! LOL.
    Thanks for the birthday msg- Sorry for my late reply, have been busy with family issues lately
    Oh okay and I'll try to get the other people interested in it again; I haven't done that yet since I've been trying to get another job and I have an interview tomorrow at 4:30pm my time but before then, I'll try contacting the other members :).
    Okay; I'll try that :)...also the rp isn't mine; I'm just a member of it and thought that it should stay opened in case anyone else that's also a member of it want it to continue.
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