-Daughter of Eve-

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  • D
    My signiture is from an old tv show "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.":D
    Your banner is very beautiful,btw.:)
    Well, I may just have to write you a new sonnet one of these days, to reflect the username change.
    Please do. Because I consider "Sophia Renee" to be my supreme work, the best story I have ever written.
    Thank you. Did you ever read my "epic" poem, "The Tale of Sophia Renee"? If not, you can still dig it up.
    Okay, see what I've already done, and you can get back to me later with what you want in your custom sonnet.
    Well, have you read my Sonnets thread in the Writing Club? There I have tried to make the sonnet form work smoothly with modern vocabulary, while allowing members to see themselves described in verse. If you like the idea of being "sonnetized," I repeat my request for some distinguishing facts about yourself that you would like to see included.
    Say, I'm always looking for new sonnet-subjects in our community. If you'll tell me a few facts about yourself that you don't mind having people know, I'll put them in verse.
    I know I'm a bit late, but ...

    I'm not obsessed and I really wasn't then to be honest. I've always been into the books since I was a kid. It was the first book series I ever read.
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