-Daughter of Eve-

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  • You are welcome hun. Hhahhaha, ;) Awww...thats no fun...the weather affects me something fierce too. Awww...Im sorry dear. Thank you hun. I have severe chronic fatigue syndrome, (its on Wikipedia if you want more info), aww thanks hun...xxx
    bella and boris.. how cute! ghehe XD
    and sooooo I wasn't on much either this weekend XD party, swimming stuff, work, boyfriend.. 8D how was stockholm? : D
    I'll try to be on every day :)
    It's brilliant!!! I did have one but I still can't remember what it was ... I'll probably just make another one. Haha.

    DRAMA CLASSES ARE BRILLS!!! I love theatre. Love love love. : ) Hahaha it's not been that good on my end. : P My brother Charlie just left for his frosh year of uni, and my sister Lottie's leaving tomorrow for the same. : ( So I'm a bit sad. Haha.

    As the Professor, I would insist on including something the movie left out: his explaining to Peter and Susan how significant it was that Lucy claimed to have been away for hours.
    Jim Broadbent: splendid choice! I have long wished that I could play Professor Kirke in a live-stage adaptation of "Lion/Wardrobe."
    If Rainyday, my forum-granddaughter, likes you, this counts in your favor with me. If there is a serious trust issue someone has regarding you, as you said in a public post, I ask God to remedy the situation.
    and so I dreamt I already had the swimshorts I want soooo badly and don't have money for, haha. XDD
    what've you been doing lately? ^^
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