Eustace C. Scrubb

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  • I missed you guys too, looks like TDL doesn't do much if anyone leaves, you guys aren't allowed to leave either now. ;)
    There's an 8 year rotation that now goes through the entire New Testament in 8 years. When I was quizzing it went 1. Hebrews, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John and Jude. 2. Matthew. 3. Romans and James. 4. Acts. 5. Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Timothy and Philemon. 6. Luke 7. 1 & 2 Corinthians and Titus 8. John.

    Now they've added in the rest of the books so it does actually cover all of the New Testament.

    Quizzers memorize chapters or whole books word for word. In the actual quizzing you sit in a row on pads and the quizmaster reads questions. You jump and whoever jumps first (A light tells the quizmaster who jumped first) answers the question. You can jump before the question is out and then you have to finish the question. Etc.
    AWANA does not count. :rolleyes: Sorry, bit of a Bible Quizzing snob... XD

    Not topics, the way this works is that quizzers memorize the books word for word. I did Romans and James back when I was quizzing but they only just added Revelation into the rotation so I never quizzed on it.

    I've read Revelation several times because I've read through the whole Bible several times but my friends were always unhealthily obsessed with it so not so much an in depth study, I know that Christ is coming and I can do my part to prepare myself and other people for him without knowing the prophecies in Revelation backwards and forwards. ;)

    Iiiiiii'm not so much...
    I know this but only because I'm a PK. That's not the kind of Bible quizzing we do, please don't confuse it with Bible Bowl or any of the lame versions like that. This Bible Quizzing is my life and is 10 steps above all other forms.

    It's Romans, by the way, which is actually what we're quizzing on next year along with Revelation and James.
    National Bible Quizzing tournament. Bible Quizzing was kind of my life when I was in highschool, I try very hard to keep it as my life still because I adore it. ;)
    Have you ever looked at the " Book Fan? Movie fan? Both?" thread under the Chronicles of Narnia books board?
    Hi! I believe I already asked you not to call me Icee (which spurred on the nickname conversation on the introduction thread :D ). Ice is fine. I am fine. How are you?
    You can attach it or upload, it doesn't matter which way. And I just like a challenge and love the picture in the first place, always happy to oblige. ;)
    There are multiple Hitchhiker's books, I'll have to ask my sister about what she thought about each respectively again.
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