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  • I was okay with some of the changes -- especially with having Radagast be in the onstage action.
    Good luck on getting the job on the cruise ship! I was looking I to cruises and vacationing in Europe...but it's a little too expensive for us right now. So we are cruising to Alaska. I've cruised with my family to the Cayman Islands and Mexico. It was so fun and our "crew members" we're awesome. I'm sure you will do a great job. It's hard work though. I appreciate all the "deck hands".
    How have you been? I imagine you are keeping busy with your other forum and moderating? How is your mother? Did you take the computer graphics training course? Have you made any career changes?

    Every time I see dinosaur skeletons (the LA natural science museum finally finished its remodeling) I think of your brother. I hope he is doing well.

    Also I got to see BK and met his son before Christmas. They came over for dinner and we had a great time!

    I finished chemotherapy treatments at the end of October so Thanksgiving and Christmas wer extra special because I had so much to be thankful for. And now I have hair again, although my daughter says it is more like a beagle's hair or Fantine's hair.
    God is good,
    Welcome back! Have you seen the "Les Miz" movie? And do you agree with me that the "Hobbit" movie should have let Thorin make a better showing in the climactic fight?
    Hee Vaness... Jij komt ook niet meer zoveel online zie ik? Hoe is het met je? Ik zat door wat oude topics heen te bladeren en vooral het Dutchie topic.. Men, wat mis ik die tijden zeg :( Met jou en Laura en Lieke.. :( X
    Unfortunately, you probably won't be seeing me around much, if at all, in the next few weeks. My last post was in the Celeb Bdays thread...and I don't know when or if I'll be active again. I only log in to check my VMs.
    Awesome!!:D Season two is my favorite so far; "The Lady Of The Lake" is my very favorite episode. Me, too. I watched it one afternoon when I was bored and went on a marathon I loved it so much.:D

    From what I've heard, a lot of people dislike the way her romance with Arthur sort of came out of nowhere and so they see her as a "Mary Sue" sort of love interest. I think probably they weren't familiar with the legends so they weren't expecting it since she pretty much disliked Arthur at first.
    At this point I should probably confess that I'm a Lancelot/Gwen shipper who enjoys Arthur/Gwen, too. Technically both are in the legends so they're 100% canon but I've always liked Lancelot/Gwen better because they have AMAZING chemistry.:)
    So do I! Eleventh is my first and favorite Doctor, and I will be so sad when he leaves. :( Thankfully, he'll stay at least until season eight... I was afraid that this would be his last season.
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