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  • I heard that when they leave, it will be final. They won't be coming back, because it would decrease the emotional punch of their departure. As long as they don't die, I'll be okay, but I'm terrified that they will. :(
    ah. I am like that too, I like to know specifically what is expected of me...

    yup. We got on the plain on the 4th of July :p (a couple of people have already remarked how it is ironic that we are leaving on Independence Day :p muhahahah)
    If my favorite companions have to die, it would be at least somewhat satisfactory for them to die by my all-time favorite monster, but I really don't want them to die. :( I'm going to be an emotional basket-case at the end of this series.
    Yes :D in three weeks! :D o.0 scary! stressful!

    Oh... well, that's not good... :( Hopefully, this other company will realize that you are amazing and hire you and give you equally amazing hours and pay ;)
    Yes! Rory is the best. While I understand why it's time for him and Amy to leave, I'm really distraught over the fact that the two of them are probably going to die. :( If only they could have a happy ending together, this might not be so hard.

    Really?! That's awesome. :D I also found out a while ago that my grandaddy used to watch Doctor Who, back when it was first airing. Coincidentally, First Doctor reminds me a lot of him. ;)
    Met mij gaat het tijdelijk even wat minder.. veel meegemaakt de laatste maanden helaas.. Komt wel goed, maar heeft even wat tijd nodig.. Hoe is het met jou dan?
    really? ewwwwwwwwwww... how many does your contract say you are supposed to work? are you getting payed overtime?

    Is the other job still in the same industry? that makes sense... You don't want to do too much commuting...
    I know :O... And I AM STILL waiting for all my documents to go through so I can leave the stupid state of California and get a job in korea!!! Gah! :p
    That would be cool if you recognized a few. :D I think it's really neat how so many adults watched Doctor Who as kids. The fact that it's run so long is unique and very cool.

    Same here! I'm really looking forward to Season Seven, even though Rory is leaving. *sniffles* He's my favorite character.
    haha yes, that's true. Well, I am getting quite ready to be done with this whole visa-immigration paperwork mess... It's not fun... Marriage is good but we still feel like we are pretending until we have our own place :p But, we are really excited because our employer sent us pics of our apartment. It's so cute! and it has a mural in it of fantasy fairy things. :D No, we don't leave till the 4th of July. But soon :D

    what have you been up to lately?
    I love Doctor Who so much. :D I've been watching for over a year, and it excites me so much when new people start in on the show.
    Yes, I've been glad to see you on. :D I'm enjoying your posts in the Doctor Who thread especially, although I haven't been very involved in a while.
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