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  • YES! Omgh V! I dont think we shud be friends anymore... LOL just kidding!
    You better make that someday soon missy. ;)
    LOL I don't think its going to effect him much, well maybe his ego :p
    I think they are both awesome. Will is cute and Ben has just a got a really great personality!
    Oh my goodness. I hope it didn't do any damage.
    LOL I can so imagine that. And it so happens that a helpless, old, fragile lady is walking by the street when a huge t.v happens to crash into her small body!
    You guess? LMFO! What would we do without t.v? Read!...NAH! :p
    LOL oh Vanessa you are so funny!
    Me too but apparently it is quite cold out there. Is that true?
    Oooh wow you've been to a lot of places in France. It must be wonderful. That would be a sight that I would definately want to see. The Eiffel Tower would probably be all lit up too.
    Hahaha OUI!
    Well actually not as much as I used to. I think I'm just realising that he is only human, a really good looking one ;). Actually I think Ben is rather handsome too and very funny. I was wrong to judge him before I watched the movie.
    i will pm you about it lol
    yah there were lots of homeless people and not all of them due to their own personal choices.Vancouver will host the next olympics and because of this, the housing rent has been going way up and people cant afford housing and are forced out onto the streets. we got to work with a couple of missions that worked with the homeless. it was so amazing how thankful they could be because someone took the time to give them a little piece of candy. what is sad is that is their home and in 2010 they will be deported to a containment facility, like as if they were prisoners, and detained there until after the olympics and then put back onto the streets.
    yes, my fam is here till saturday. and i will never be alone lol. much of my extended family is here.
    *hugs and more hugs*
    i need to go let the dog in the house lol
    oh ok, lov. thanks.
    i loved Canada! i really didnt want to leave.
    i was in Vancouver, BC. i loved it so much! it was so sad to see all the homeless people though.
    ok, it might be that i havent added the application and such. yah i was away for like ever lol
    well, my family hasnt left yet so...no.
    yah! like so close!!
    i do have this problem though of having recently fallen in love which made moving even harder. but, thats a long story lol
    i bet i love you way more!!!!!! *i cant help it, your just to amazing!!!*
    yes, tdl is like myspaceitizing! im scared! i feel like a little noob lol
    im so happy you get to be my first poster!!
    how are you doing, lov?
    much love,
    LOL he'd love that NOT! But who cares. It's a free world I'll visit who I like ;)
    I think he might just be visiting although he was talking about moving to NYC.
    I would freak out, faint and start cleaning like a maniac!! Wouldn't want him to think I was messy ;)
    Thats lovely, so you get like about a whole month off! Sweet!
    Which part of France have you visited?
    You must go to Paris! It is so beautiful!!
    Nessa-Onee-Chan! I have missed you so! I am still a fan of U2 and I am, sadly, enjoying my LAST day of summer vacation.
    How are you?
    Aww thanks so much! That was so sweet of you to say! You're a wonderful person with a kind heart and I'm so glad that you're my friend. I love you!
    Thank you Vanessa.
    How long will the hotal be closed for??
    Haha send them to Britain then they'll be begging to go back to Holland ;).
    Yes I went to France which was lovely and sunny! We visited the Eiffel Tower which was really cool.
    LOL you'd have to say coffe in a New Yorkan (sp) accent like Kwaffee :p I think I remember Will (Moseley) doing an accent. He might be there too! Take me with you ;)!
    So I'm taking it that that would be your second time going to NYC?
    LOL so thoughtful!
    University. I'll be back around end of September, early October. I've still got a couple of years to go until I graduate.
    Haha I can see ;)
    What about you? How's your job going? Are you off now for the summer or still working?
    lol If I ever go to France I will just make a quick stop at the Lourve to see my favorite and then I guess I will heave over to the UK. I would love to visit the country sides. I'm not a big fan of big cities.
    LOL thank you SOOOO much for the info! It made my laugh. I've never heard of the Eurotunnel but it sounds more daring than going by boat so I guess will definitely be going by Eurotunnel. Is it expensive?
    I'm a student full time but part time I work at a drugs store, a legal drugs stor, LOL.
    I've seen that show before. It's about a chic who see's dead people or something like that.
    Poor MJF! Hahaha no thats your job darling Vanessa. I would never try to compete with you ;)
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