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  • I know I'm a bit late, but ...

    Awesome! Is it world or American history?:)

    Oooh,have fun!!! Are you staying there a while or is it a short trip?:)

    Pretty good.:D I like history.

    I saw.:D Awesome!*looks forward to reading* :D
    No,I'm lucky that all my classes in the past and now have been afternoon or early evening.:)
    What are yours like?
    Thanks,you too!:)

    *goes to read*
    It is pretty cool.:D
    Yes,on the fourth.:D

    NP.:) *goes to read*
    It's during the Spanish Inquisition and a man is held in the dungeons. It's completely dark and if he moves too far in any direction,he'll fall into a pit beneath. But if he stays where he is a swinging knife above him will eventually kill him. It ends with his escape,but it's pretty nail-biting. It's a good one and I love how a lot of old westerns mimic the plot in an 1800s setting.:D

    Sounds good. I'll have to look for it.:cool:

    Awesome!*goes to read*:)
    Not yet but I heard it on "Escape"(old radio programme) and thought it was really good.:D My favorite so far is "The Pit And The Pendulum".:cool:

    It's very good although the language is very old-fashioned so I had a hard time with some of it.
    No,is it good?:)
    I've read 5. "Nicholas Nickleby" is my favorite. I also liked "A Christmas Carol". "Oliver Twist" and "A Tale Of Two Cities" were okay,imo. I didn't like "David Copperfeild" at all.:eek:
    I want to try "Bleak House".

    I LOVE Poe. My grandfather has his complete works and every time I'm at his house I read the next story in the book. :D

    "The Scarlet Letter" and "The House Of The Seven Gables" are the two I've read by him and they were both excellent.:) My family is a big Hawthorne fan... if I'd been a boy I was to have been named after him.:D
    They're all historical fiction except the Dominion Trilogy which is sci-fi.:)
    Generally speaking I don't care for most Christian writings unless it's history (WWII) and a more unique plot.

    Classic Christian fiction?:confused: Or classic secular?
    Secular,yes,very much so. I love the Brönte sisters,Charles Dickens,Edgar Allen Poe,Victor Hugo and Nathaniel Hawthorne best.:)
    Yeah,I tend to love sad books for some reason.;)

    A few,not a lot. I like Jack Cavanaugh's WWII books,and Tricia Goyer,Tracy Groot,Travis Thrasher,and Bodie & Brock Theone are usually good. And I liked the Dominion Trilogy by Robin Parrish. Other than I don't tend to care for most writers.
    "The Prospering" is about a group of missionaries in the 1800s. Most of them were murdered but the survivors chose to stay and witness to those who had killed their families.

    "Calico Captive" is a true story about a girl searching for her brother who was taken decades before by Indians. It has a very sad ending though.:(
    Awesome! Have you read Elizabeth George Speare's other books:"Calico Captive","The Bronze Bow" and "The Prospering"? They're all very good.:D
    Oooh,tough question. I guess it would be between my favorite book as a child "The Witch Of Blackbird Pond",and my favorites now- "Jane Eyre" and "Dear Enemy" by Jack Cavanaugh.:D
    Thats good.:D History and Lit. were my only good subjects,lol.
    Ugh,those are my worst subjects.:p
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