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  • Thank you! I'm so glad you've begun reading it! I took a risk in even writing the story, because it deals with a brother-sister bond FAR closer than most. But all commentary I'm getting so far is favorable.

    In case you haven't figured it out, my title has a double meaning. As you go on, you'll see how Alipang finds his first ROMANCE; but his adoptive sister is already his first LOVE, for with her he learns how to show unselfish tenderness to a girl.
    Yes, by all means, first things first. That is, in fact, the responsible attitude of the title character of my story.
    By Save Changes, are you referring to adding me to your friends list? Computers ARE treacherous; but it isn't as if you can't still communicate with me.

    Have you been reading "Alipang Havens"?
    I love your avatar.:) Mother Teresa,right?:)
    Then you _really_ need to read my story!

    By the way, have you noticed the removal of roleplaying threads? The story I've referred to is derived from one of the forcibly discontinued RPG's. That roleplay was first created by a nice girl here called Nightcrawler_Fan, who is homeschooled herself.
    The messaging system I am using as I write this ("conversation") was added about five months ago. It takes a load off of people's Private Message boxes, since not all messages need to be hidden. The "friends" system is pretty common to online communities.

    I invite you to look at my weblog, even though I haven't posted on it for awhile:

    If you have the ambition, I urge you to work back to the _first_ post I ever entered there, then read forward.
    My Mary and I (good match that was, my name is Joseph) did a great variety of things together, including hospice volunteering. Also homeschooling our adopted Asian daughter...which is reflected in the story I am writing in the "Writing Club" section, The First Love of Alipang Havens.
    Hi! Can I assume you are a fellow pro-lifer? My first wife and I (she is in Heaven now) first got together through activities in that area.
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