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  • I'd say that the Calormenes are much closer to pantheistic Hindus than the the monotheistic Muslims.
    Sorry the word should be promoting, the calormens can been see as Muslim or any other middle eastern religion, the last battle is just like the crusaders against the turks.
    Lewis' works CON can be seen as rasist, sexist and as promating soft cell paganism. That's from book critics not me by the way. Glad you enjoy reading my posts but don't agree with them not many people do on here in fact no one dose lol,but I don't mind. :)
    Hi, WarriorSatyr, nice thread you started, paganism in Narnia, I as usal am getting a pounding from all sides but I am used to that. I see by your pic you are a follwer of Dr.Who and the time lords, even he rebled against them. :)
    Hi WS
    I would like to cordially invite you to submit names for properties for the Narniopoly project I have started
    To forestall any questions, I'm TWS. I got locked out of my account somehow and had to make a new one. No,I don't know what happened. Stay fantastic, TWS.
    All you have to do is scroll down the beginning page, and there it is near the bottom: Professor's writing club.
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